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You know you cannot trust your computer when it's core operating system is giving you trouble, let us help you tackle that!

My Techvisor is a leading name in terms of fixing operating system issues. We have a team of certified technicians who are thorough with all sorts of operating issues. There could be a hardware malfunction or serious software issue, however, you must not worry because we are well-equipped to take care of it. My techvisor provides mac operating system repair as well as windows, with onsite service, whether it's your home or your business, all you have to do is fill out the online form and book an appointment or just give us a phone call, and we will get through this together!

Computer repair services

Some of the common operating systems errors that we can fix for our clients:

Improper Drivers

Compatibility Error

Failure to Boot


Faulty RAM

Bad Processor

Improper Drivers

Are you facing any trouble with your computer’s hardware? There’s a good chance that these issues are brought on by outdated, corrupted, or missing drivers. My Techvisor is highly skilled in handling all your computer’s operating system related issues. Whether you are looking for windows operating system repair or mac, we specialise in both.

Computer repair services

Compatibility Errors

Compatibility errors can be minor, such as when a few functions in an older version of the same software don't function properly, but they can also be troublesome, such as when a later version of the software won't open a document written in an earlier version. Such issues may come off as very frustrating but you must not worry, because My Techvisor is here to solve all your computer-related problems.

Failure to Boot

If you see the error message "disc boot failure," it means that your computer is unable to boot because it cannot locate the operating system. The BIOS can't locate a bootable drive, which results in an error when attempting to start up your computer. Scary, right? Don’t worry My Techvisor is here to come to your rescue. All you have to do is give us a phone call or fill out the form online.

Computer repair services
Computer repair services


Overheating is one of the most frequent reasons for operating system failure. It's easy to eliminate overheating. The CPU of a computer has an internal fan to keep it cool. The fan can get stale and ineffective over time, or it might just be unable to keep up with your computer's demands. Fortunately, My techvisor has the answer to this problem, all you have to do is pick up your phone and dial our number.

Faulty RAM

RAM is where your computer’s data is stored, a damaged RAM chip could lead to system problems because the operating system cannot access the stored data, leading to system failure. My Techvisor has a team of professionals that can solve this issue in a few steps, providing in-home service and saving you time and energy.

Computer repair services
Computer repair services

Bad Processor

If your processor is acting up, it can totally be the reason behind system failure because the computer cannot operate if the CPU is not working properly. We have the best team of professional technicians in the business and are glad to offer personal and business computer setup services. All you have to do is fill out the online form and book an appointment or just give us a phone call, and we will be on our way!

Why Choose Us?

My Techvisors are highly skilled IT experts. We provide provide proven & affordable solutions for all
your Technology related needs. Available 24 Hours a day, 7 Days a week.

Computer repair services
Computer repair services
Available 24X7

Dedicated Helpdesk Team to solve your problems round the clock.

Computer repair services
95% First call Resolution

You will never have to call us for the same problem

Computer repair services
Certified Technicians

Get Solutions from our team of Professional & certified Techvisors.

Computer repair services
No Risk Money Back Guarantee*

We will return your money if we can’t fix the problem, As simple as that!
Visit here for more details.


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